Albums on Bluray ???

Anyone have albums on Bluray?

I have seen a few for sale on Amazon, but not sure what the sonic benefit is...since my Bluray player is my transport and running into my PS DAC3. Wouldn't it likely just sound the same as a CD?

If not, any suggestions what I should buy? I like all music. Metal to Ambient.
The problem is that there simply aren't many at all to suggest. The Neil Young Archives box, the Pixies box, Trent Reznor's Social Network soundtrack, the actual Inception blu-ray has an isolated score in high res on the bonus disc...that's nearly everything.
I have the inception Blu Ray, thanks for the heads up on that. I ordered The Police, live on Bluray...Obviously I, and I think you too, would probably love UFO Orb, Computerworld, Orbital 2, etc, on Bluray. Just for 2 channel awesomeness.

I think Blutech, Phutreprimitive, The Egg, and Ott sound great on my system...but there I go diverging from my own thread.

: )
Tom Petty Blu-ray ALBUMS are Damn the Torpedoes, Mojo, and The Live Anthology. (Soundstage is indeed a concert- probably the best quality live concert I have ever seen - for SQ and picture Q - obviously you have to like the music but it is superior to anything else by a rather long way)