picked up Steely Dan : Can't buy a Thrill on ABC

I found a copy of this on on ABC black label to compare against my ABC yellow label. My yellow label sounds pretty good, but is a bit noisy. I would say my tolerance is rather low for noisy records. All I can say is holy S**t, the black label sounds awesome. Not only is it quiet, but it has more detail, and sounds sooo natural. Dare I say, it is just so analog sounding. Just wanted to share the wealth.
If you like this record, seek out a quiet copy.Perhaps
there are differences from pressing to pressing, but hopefully not so much here. I also found Gaucho on an audiophile label pressed MCA, but it was around $50.00, so I passed. FWIW, this was at a local record show in the Albany area. Lastly, I have been real impressed w/ Aja for instance on ABC yellow, I wonder if these black labels are generally better still. Speaking of Gaucho, I have never seen it on ABC label, always blue MCA, including that Audiophile pressing. All previous SD records, I have seen on ABC, mostly yellow.
Find a standard issue Gaucho on MCA with RL in the deadwax and you will be happy. Plentiful in the used bins.
"Katy Lied is the first Steely Dan on the yellow ABC label."
Thanks Audiofeil. My first copy of CBAT is on ABC yellow, as
I mentioned in my post. Not a big deal, but FWIW. Thanks for
the recommendation on Countdown, and Pretzel Logic.
Thanks Annika, I will keep the Robert Ludwig mastered
MCA Gaucho on my radar too.
On Royal Scam: I could not find a good domestic pressing, all were just too noisy/distorted. I have a UK and a German pressing, both good and quiet and clean.
My post was a bit unclear, sorry.

Katy Lied is the first Steely Dan album whose initial release is on the yellow label.

Subsequent pressings of the first 3 Dan albums can be found on the yellow label. Pressings after 1979, give or take a few months, are on MCA which purchased ABC and its' subsidiaries.

Gaucho is the first Dan album to be released on MCA. This was the sky blue cloud label.
"Katy Lied is the first Steely Dan album whose initial release is on the yellow label." Gotcha!

In that case, I would want anything before Katy Lied
on the Black Label, and Katy Lied and all after on yellow.
All their stuff is great. I have not been able to connect
w/ Two against Nature though. It's a good listen, but different, as would be expected. After all, there is a ton of time between Gaucho and TAN. Thanks !