At what volume do you typically listen?

I have a Mark Levinson 326S preamp which a friend and I call "The Venerable One". I realize that this is subjective, but until I get to 45 out of a total of 80, the speakers really begin to sing. This is just past 12:00 on the dial.

I was curious to know where others listen on the "dial". I haven't checked with my Radio Shack SPL meter, but what is a typical range at which people enjoy listening? THank you.
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Typically between 75db and 85db. I listen during the day in my house so no shared walls or floors.
My volume dial starts @ 6:00 and I usally go to 9:00. I never go past 12:00 though but if I want more volume I usally navigate the dial between 9:00 - 12:00. The sub woofer really helps in my music reproduction in the bass area since my pre does not have a loudness switch