"God Bless the Child" on Idol?

Anyone catch Jacob Lusk's performance of this Billie Holiday classic last night on American Idol?

It was truly one of the most earth shattering performances I've ever seen on the show.

BH herself would have been proud.

Can't wait to hear what this guy does next.

There seems to be a fair abundance of real musical talent on Idol this year so far it seems!
If he pulls the same vocal stunts singing yellow submarine on Beatles night, you'll be proven right.... Until such moment I say he was just emotionally connecting with the lyrics of the song and spilling his guts on the stage.

Of course the posterchild of over the top vocal runs was Adam Lambert, and then there was "scatt no matter what" Blake Lewis.
"If he pulls the same vocal stunts singing yellow submarine on Beatles night, you'll be proven right"

That would be pretty funny!

How dare he show up Ringo!

I hope he doesn't also though.
Well, Jacob made it through last night!

He was advised prior to performing this week by his "coaches" to hold back a bit this week, and he did, but the judges advised him afterwards to essentially be himself and don't hold back, which I suspect is good advice.

Randy also called his performance of GBTC the best ever on Idol! High praise whether true or not.

It seems pretty much everybody who made it through is quite talented and can really sing this year, inclduing a few who did not make it through already.

I'm very psyched for Idol this year at this point.

I think the new judges are coming off quite well also.

JL has mostly been an asset. Randy seems to be stepping up his game to help fill the shoes of Simon as the senior judge on the panel.

And Steven Tyler adds a new element that was missing prior. He seems to genuinely appreciate the talent and good performances when he hears it. He also comes across very well as a insightful and compassionate judge with just enough "rock star" flavor to perhaps attract some new viewers. He is presenting himself quite excellently in this role IMHO!

We'll see....
Mapman... I agree that the talent this year is far superior to prior years. I'm putting my money on the guy that plays the double bass being around longer than Jacob.
I think the show is better than when Simon was there. Now the focus isnt so much on insults (that I admit I anjoyed) but more "move along" and make way for the talent. So it lost some of its side show schtick but I think its a more mature show for it.
Now if I can just will that crazy eyed kid with the tail tie I will be happy. Oh and that red haired man girl who looks like Simply Red on Meth all will be perfect!