"God Bless the Child" on Idol?

Anyone catch Jacob Lusk's performance of this Billie Holiday classic last night on American Idol?

It was truly one of the most earth shattering performances I've ever seen on the show.

BH herself would have been proud.

Can't wait to hear what this guy does next.

There seems to be a fair abundance of real musical talent on Idol this year so far it seems!
Sheesh, Lauren really got to lay it on thick to close yesterday's show with that song about mothers (the GOOD kind).

I thought Scotty had it locked up with the Idol demographic, but maybe not now....
That show was just too aww shucks for me and this is least talented finale I can remember.
I agree. This season started with a lot of promise but went out with a whimper. May be the show is just getting old. Judges were/are as boring as the contestants. I predict Lauren will win and Scotty will have a far more succesful career.
I thought Tyler's comment about Lauren winning a round because she was prettier was hilarious but also quite insightful perhaps in that it really is mostly a popularity contest at this point more so than who is better or the best.

Or as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson would say in his infinite wisdom:

"It doesn't matter who the best singer is!"
If cuteness is a factor not only should Hailey be there but her voice, attitude and presence should have had her in finale. These two in finals are vanilla voiced with no where near the vocal range and talent you would think merits a true "American Idol". But sadly they are about as much of a joke as the music industry as a whole.