Princeton Record Exchange

While on my quarterly foray to PRE, I couldn't help but wonder how many people were in there browsing vinyl that they sold to PRE; now that vinyl is "cool" again.

IMHO, the best deals are to be found underneath the racks in the 1.00 bins. Hard as hell to look through them though with the crowded and narrow aisles. The stuff I got out there for a buck is in better condition than things I paid 3.99 - 4.99 for (same items last time were 1.99 -2.99).

It was my 14 YO daughter who wanted to go on this trip. Granted, she bought CD's, but I was really surprised at some of her choices, including The Ramones!
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Very important that you bring gloves, the grim and dirt will provide a very unpleasant experience. I've been to the PRE often when I lived in Princeton, its a feast or famine affair. I've often wondered why they don't offer a cleaning service on site. It would be a money maker.
Make those...boxing gloves, now that I know the source! FatghOst, I enjoyed reading of your turntable quest. Search out those cheap treasures. I used to routinely pay $.25 per record. Enjoy!
Several times I have been on the receiving end of an exchange that went like this: "you should have been here last week. We took in an entire collection of (insert genre here). But a Chinese (or Japanese) gentleman bought everything"

I agree on the gloves for looking through stuff there. However, I think the grime has become part of its iconography.
Fantasyland in Atlanta is a great source of used vinyl if you ever travel South. it sounds very similar to the Princeton exchange.