Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........

Sarah Jarosz/Song Up In Her Head
Like a breath of fresh air, just great!
Paul Simon doesn't quite get it for me. Part of it is excellent and new, some not so much; but really - only 38 minutes of music there????

OK, my entry here and it was a big surprise to me:
Tedeschi Trucks Band: Revelator.
I'm a big DT fan, he's a youngin' with the greatness of the historical greats. Mark my words 25 years from now! His "voice" on guitar is uniquely his own, and instantly recognizable no matter who he is playing with.
This album marks a high spot so far for his playing in it's sweetness and emotionality, IMHO. And I've BEEN a big fan.
Susan Tedeschi - she'll get berated for sounding like Bonnie Raitt. Fair enough - I can see that. I've been a loyal follower of BR since the mid 70's. Her music has been a big part of big parts of my life. I've seen her waaayyy too many times to remember! I don't think Susan's delivery is much at all like Bonnie's. There is similarity in the tone and articulation.
This album is the most engaging I've ever heard Susan on, and I've owned a few and listened to her for a while now. Never a HUGE fan though. This album she has an intensity, a fire in the belly if you will, that I haven't heard from Bonnie in quite a while.Quite a while.
Maybe it's the chemistry thing, like Plant/Krauss.
Must be the chemistry thing.
Just spun up a new one: Pete Thorn's "Guitar Nerd".

Peter Thorn is a top shelf LA session guy (Don Henley, Hole, Alicia Keyes, Melissa Etheridge, etc., etc.) who's just released his first solo album. It's a self indulgent, instrumental guitar strut that screams "look at me". But....

The music is better than you have any right to expect and the playing is pretty damn stunning. Definitely one of the few new artists who really barks up my preferred tree.

I should add one caveat on the Pete Thorn recommendation:

On a subtlety/nuance scale of 1 to 10, this rates a zero. Just some "in yer face" guitar fun, old school style.
