Alexatpos, this is one of my favorites by Kenny Burrell, I'm sure you have that album.
Who was the best jazz guitarist ever?
Alexatpos, this is one of my favorites by Kenny Burrell, I'm sure you have that album. |
No best!! Otherwise, I highly recommend Kevin Eubanks "Opening Nights". Kevin is the Guitarist/Bandleader of the Tonight show. I had boycotted TV years ago, but had priorly subjected myself to such programming enough to recognize Kevin. One should not associate his playing examples before the commercial breaks, as also his pre-written humor designed to not out shine Jay (!). Be ready for a treat, my friends!!! |
Ptmconsulting, and all George Benson fans; he is by far the most romantic guitarist. I was listening to him late last night as he went from lost love, to true love, and then on to blue love. Someone as romantic as George, has to verbalize it. I didn't find his vocals unappealing. I guess over the years they've expressed my own ups and downs in the affairs of the heart; and if you listen, you can hear one fantastic guitar. |