Clarence Clemons - RIP

Clarence Clemons passed away today at 69. Rest in Peace Big Man.
Last night I cranked Jungleland from Born to Run in his memory. Clarence plays one of my favorite sax lines in that song; yes you all know the one I'm talking about.

It is poor form to use numbers rather than spell out in prose, i.e. your use of "2" rather than "two." You may also want to examine the proper uses of the ellipsis. An ellipsis is not a stand-in for for example, id est (i.e.) or e.g. (example given).

And finally, RIP Big Man. This thread is about the passing of a much-beloved musician not grammar.
Lindisfarne: the comma goes inside the quotation marks, dewsh.

RIP Big Man. You will be missed.
I read your post about 3 minutes ago, and I am still belly laughing. (for real) Dewsh...I wish I had thought of that!
Lindisfarne has shown on a least two ocassions this week that he is a douche. What a treat he must be to know or work with. NOT!

RIP Clarence, you will be well remembered for giving it your all every time you played.