Clarence Clemons - RIP

Clarence Clemons passed away today at 69. Rest in Peace Big Man.
Lindisfarne: the comma goes inside the quotation marks, dewsh.

RIP Big Man. You will be missed.
I read your post about 3 minutes ago, and I am still belly laughing. (for real) Dewsh...I wish I had thought of that!
Lindisfarne has shown on a least two ocassions this week that he is a douche. What a treat he must be to know or work with. NOT!

RIP Clarence, you will be well remembered for giving it your all every time you played.
The punctuation inside the quotations mark rule is shifting. Grammarians are in protest, but popular usage is clearly moving to outside the marks. Further proof that it's still a living language.

According to Mr. Springsteen he was playing at a club on the Jersey during a strong thunderstorm. At some point the lights went off and the wind blew the doors to the club wide open. Another flash of lightning, the lights come back on and standing in the doorway was the Big Man. He later was invited on to the stage and both agreed, it was like magic.