Clarence Clemons - RIP

Clarence Clemons passed away today at 69. Rest in Peace Big Man.
This one hit me particularly hard when it was announced he suffered a stroke. Absolutely one heck of a sax player and a person.

As has been said, RIP Big Man.
Lindisfarne simply look in the mirror and the need for Webster's definition of "dewsh" will become unnecessary.
With apologies to the OP, and in response to the mention of shifting opinion with regard to quotation remarks, I too have seen several articles about this in various media outlets. A link to one example:
I first saw Bruce and the E Street Band in Binghamton, NY, just as "Born To Run" was released. I have since seen the boys in concert many times. Clarence was always the soul of the band. Mr. Big Man, I hope you are able to rest in peace. You have brought joy to us all. Bruce, Patti, Max, Nils, Garry, Danny, Roy, and Miami Steve .... My feelings of deep sympathy are with you all. But remember that the best way to honor Clarence's memory is to KEEP ON PLAYING MUSIC !! Thanks, Clarence, for all the good times.