Why are HD downloads so expensive?

So as we enter the "post physical media" era I am amazed and rather disappointed that the new HD downloads from HDtracks, Linn etc. are so damn expensive.
In most cases these are reissues of old music that has seen the original investments amortized many times over. And now no longer needs to be packaged, shipped warehoused etc.
Yet on average the cost is over $20 per album.
I think this is a huge rip off.
What do you think?
Should it not be atleast somewhat cheaper simply because there is no printing, package or shipping involved? Thats gotta account for a sizeable portion of cost and seeing how not only has those costs been negated so has all cost associated with them. Even something considered "premium" should reflect that savings, now maybe its a few bucks but it shoukd be there.
They are selling less than ever but making more than ever on it.
Yeah, but think of it this way: they're selling you something much closer to the master tapes. You would expect that the price of the master tapes themselves would be even higher, right?
This discussion reminds me of a giclee vs a regular inkjet copy. You're getting more of the artist's intent with the higher resolutions (giclee or 24/96), therefore it's more expensive.
So they're really selling more, in terms of information, not less. I agree of course there should be significant savings because of lack of packaging and shipping.
Or it may simply be that hdtracks has cornered the hi rez market and can charge whatever they think will maximize their profits. Like OPEC.
I for one would rather have a $30 hdtracks album in 24/96 than a $10 CD in 16/44, assuming I had the means to play it back. Surely the extra resolution is worth more.
So I guess what I'm saying is the intrinsic value of the hi rez tracks is much higher than the standard CD content.
I think they're overpriced, but I'm glad they're there. I suspect I would buy more, and spend more, if they were cheaper. As they're priced, they compete with more other things for my disposable income.
Every once in a while someone starts up a thread asking list the best down loads you purchased , inevitably every single one at least I have seen peters out rather quickly in a short period of time ,.
So what's up ,.
For the price of some of those downloads, you could buy a top notch sounding record from better records and truly own something. Something that will actually sound better than any downloaded material.