Which High Res releases are worth buying?

A number of A'goners have said they'd like to start a running database of releases that are worth buying. We've all discovered High Res downloads and discs that don't even live up to Redbook standards. Others are a definite improvement. Here's your chance to weigh in on the winners as well as the dogs. Inevitably, you may post a recommendation others may disagree with. Debate is good, but let's keep it clean and courteous. If we do, this could provide everyone with a great resource.
I have, and I wrote a thread about it that I posted on HD Downloads compared to analog that's posted on the analog forum. It was the best download so far.

Enjoy the music.
I just got the new download from the Sound Liaison label,
''After Silence'' with Andre Heuvelman.
[http://www.soundliaison.com/products-from-our-studio-masters/71-andre-heuvelman]After Silence[/url]
Gorgeous Album.
Never heard of the trumpet player Andre Heuvelman before, but I saw that somebody called him the world's best trumpet player. Well I never liked the term 'best' for talking about music, but a marvelous trumpet player he is.
He definitely has that rare ability to make his instrument speak in all the colors of the rainbow.
The label is giving away a free download from the album, should anyone be interested. I personally find the album, and here I do like to use the term best,the best sounding album in audiophile terms I have heard so far in 2014.