Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.

Danlib1, this trolly jumped the tracks way back somewhere and I'm still on it.
It would have been nice if this subject was treated as an
obituary to Ms Winehouse, as in 'kind words', and not some crap about poppy fields or SS claimants.
Amy was 27 years old. How does that relate to social Security? Orpheus & Glory need some self examination.
It's not really off the rails to point out that people are making cruel and thoughtless remarks, and that it is a sign of our times.

The obvious way to keep people from self-medicating is to make these medical decisions legal and, well, medical. When the medical profession stops pushing the latest magic pill just because the drug company is providing some kickbacks (as well as a very sexy sales rep) and starts offering better service in this area, people like Amy Winehouse will have a better idea of just what it is they need, instead of shopping around blindly for some relief.

It is a complicated issue that is not going to be resolved overnight, specially by those that seem to enjoy dancing on graves.
Orifice oops I mean Orpeous, You do not know what I have in my pockets and I could buy and sell you for cheap. Your stupidity shows with your responses. I have received numerous emails today about how dumb you are. The best quote of the day is "He is dumber than granite" I will spare the audiogon member who said it.