Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.
Christ and his doctrine is not a religion. No one comes to the Father but by/through Him.

Crucify Him for He has made Himself out to be the Son of God.

No music in the trash heap. No instruments to be played there.

The stereotype thoughts on who I am are funny. Oh the expressions of the corrupted seed. The same old same old reaction to the message of the Redeemer. Nothing new under the sun.

What you fail to understand is that this is an audio forum, not a place to extoll your religious beliefs. This thread is about a young woman that died tragically admittedly through her reckless, self-destructive behavior. Why do you feel so compelled to sit in judgement? Why can't you keep your personal religious comments out of this thread? Enough is enough, let it go. Your hell fire and brimstone rhetoric has no place here. If you want to reach folks in such a manner, find a forum that welcomes it. I can assure you it is not welcome here!
Three step possess:
1) Read Bible
2) Select isolated passages
3) Use them as weapons

The Bible is a collection of books. Many of the original texts were rejected at one time or another. Each book is copied by scribes. After these stages of filtering, the books are subject to translation, a dubious business at best. People are then taught according to the interpretations of different sects, and the personal interpretation of the teacher. The teachings received today have been distilled through many filters. It fascinates me.

People are free to believe whatever they choose. When you take an opportunity to be unnecessarily cruel, it shows a lack of character, no matter how right you might think you are. And no matter what belief system you have chosen. It is easy to detect the pleasure you derive from your condemnations. This reveals an impure motive. It is not I who suggest that you "humble yourself".

Perhaps you follow that popular philosophy "what would Jesus do?". I submit this is flawed. If Jesus is "the Son of God" or "the Living God", how would we presume to act as He would? A better question might be "what would Jesus have me do?". I seriously doubt the answer would be "cruelty in the face of tragidy".
nothing ruins a party quicker then a religious zealot. they are right and anyone who doesn't "believe" as they do is wrong. we watch horrible things being done daily in the name of god. we ask, why? would someone carry out such actions?.

truth is...more atrocities have been carried out in the name of god then any other "reason". it's ironic and sad but it is human kinds MO. that's what we have done since the dawn of our "civilized existence". ever sadder...we're really good at it.

so how did/do people get to the point of carrying out such atrocities??. simple....we tolerate they're hateful speech until it progresses, unchallenged to the point of taking horrific action. people like Glory are the roots of such hate and intolerance. they are allowed the spew their venom until it progresses/spreads to the unthinkable. the people we see cutting off heads in the middle east and shooting young people on an island in Norway all have one thing in common. they all started with hateful, judgmental speech. folks like Glory are only a few small steps away from such things....and it's a slippery slope.

Glory, thank you for rearing your ugly head and shitting all over everyone with different beliefs. maybe you could form a group here on a-gon??. "the christian hi-fi'ers" or something like that??. down the could protest non believers in the music community/industry and push for their removal. if that doesn't work....the next "logical step" is.....(read above).

Glory...i wouldn't be so sure that this is how "god" wants you to act. come REAL judgement day, you'll be less disappointed when he sends you packing.