mfsl vs. classic records

which do you think sound better MFSL new/old records or classic records...i want to concentrate on one of these labels,does anyone out there have an idea of the print runs for either label ...thanks
I've had pretty good luck with the MFSL label lately, especially the Silver series.
I want to underscore what Elizabeth said above in that, MFSL and Classic aside, many of my favorite LPs are those that were original stock pressings from the 60s, 70s and 80s, that cost me a buck or two in recent years, and that when cleaned up, deliver all the sonic bliss I could ask for.
with the expection of my copy of the Cars LP, all of my newer MFSL have been stellar. I have bought about 30 of the new pressings, and they are every bit as good as my older versions.

I have had some problems with other 180g newer pressings being rather noisy compared to older vinyl, but the MFSL, as I stated, have all been about as good as it gets for newer vinyl.
MFSL always seems to have the highest quality and my experience with Classic is all over the road some are real good and others have more surface noise and defects than a 50 cent garage sale LP.
There's good and not so good from any company. It's the nature of the business.