This thread has prompted me to get several of the movies, which I really enjoyed (The Bands Visit for one). - snip
Way cool! That's exactly why I created it - to get some good recommendations from others. This is why I requested please don't just reference generic lists of films with music. I'm really interested in your personal recommendations. Glad you liked, The Bands Visit and Commitments! Both are excellent films.
Nick_sr - Sounds like you have some crossover tastes, I mentioned the wonderful film, Departures already. Though I can only take Von Trier in small doses and all of his stuff very polarizing for myself, I have to say, that first scene in Antichrist is amazing and beautiful. It is not, however, a film with with music as any part of the storyline so not a film that fits here. I'd also warn anyone that that considers that film that it is painfully difficult/disturbing content to watch at times. I personally would not recommend it to anyone, but I can say it will stick with you. In that Dogma school of cinema Von Trier is known for, on a personal recommendation apart from this thread as it has no musical content either, The Celebration, is one of my all-time favorite films. Oh, and I did enjoy Dancer in the Dark, which does belong on this thread as music is a big part of the content - but yes, not for everyone as any of Von Triers films might be described.
Overall, everyone's been adding some great suggestions. My Netflix queue thanks you! Keep'em coming