" Has2be: basing your opinion on platitudes and not on actually listening will just leave you wondering why some other folks systems are better than yours..."
Elizabeth (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Basing your responses on blind defensive assumptions and not fact will only be a misguided brand specific ownership ideal.
Has2be , a former owner of bryston pp 120's, 3bst, 4bsst,7bsst mono blocks, bp20, bp25p. Current owner of Bryston PP 300sst to drive bass drivers with a pair of Cary rocket 88R driving mids and tweets. I don't wear blinders some old horses do when it comes to name brands biased by ownership, just what I hear from LISTENING !. I have heard ultra expensive systems I did not care for heard low cost systems that impressed me. Your belief yours and others are "better" is as absurd as your nose oil uses. Like it or not Brystons are bright sounding amps. If they were not why would Tanner of gone to the trouble of the SST2 line to provide some warmth they needed. I buy with 2 criteria Lizzie. 1/ what I hear and how it sounds to me and 2/ I conscider the brands ability to service and stand behind their product which Bryston does do the latter well.
By the way when you looked up the word platitude it actually describes the bryston house sound ,however there are many brands that offer the strengths that bryston's have and less of the weekness's at both higher and lower prices . It,s a personal preference not a case of "better" as you believe and state. I also know that I could better my own system as we all try to, but not compared to someone elses as you stated but rather my own and my tastes.
Regardess of personal preferences we all have, all gear has its own sonic signature and like it or not Bryston is well known for it's authoritive bass and its bright sound. But you would know that if your system was as "highly resolving" as you say it is because that IS the sound of bryston with nothing in the chain to lessen your superior resolution claimed.
Elizabeth (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Basing your responses on blind defensive assumptions and not fact will only be a misguided brand specific ownership ideal.
Has2be , a former owner of bryston pp 120's, 3bst, 4bsst,7bsst mono blocks, bp20, bp25p. Current owner of Bryston PP 300sst to drive bass drivers with a pair of Cary rocket 88R driving mids and tweets. I don't wear blinders some old horses do when it comes to name brands biased by ownership, just what I hear from LISTENING !. I have heard ultra expensive systems I did not care for heard low cost systems that impressed me. Your belief yours and others are "better" is as absurd as your nose oil uses. Like it or not Brystons are bright sounding amps. If they were not why would Tanner of gone to the trouble of the SST2 line to provide some warmth they needed. I buy with 2 criteria Lizzie. 1/ what I hear and how it sounds to me and 2/ I conscider the brands ability to service and stand behind their product which Bryston does do the latter well.
By the way when you looked up the word platitude it actually describes the bryston house sound ,however there are many brands that offer the strengths that bryston's have and less of the weekness's at both higher and lower prices . It,s a personal preference not a case of "better" as you believe and state. I also know that I could better my own system as we all try to, but not compared to someone elses as you stated but rather my own and my tastes.
Regardess of personal preferences we all have, all gear has its own sonic signature and like it or not Bryston is well known for it's authoritive bass and its bright sound. But you would know that if your system was as "highly resolving" as you say it is because that IS the sound of bryston with nothing in the chain to lessen your superior resolution claimed.