Do you understand the words to the Mus U listen to

The words/message many times is hard to understand with some artists.
Dave Matthews at times is like what is he on about?

Paul MaCatney is easy on the words and is quiet funny at times. Most singers mumble their words and frankly I think they have no real message worth thinking about.

PM Mistress & Maid is a message that speaker to the issues of the heart and you can understand the blinking words. Another one is Hope Of Deliverance. Makes the song that much better when you hear/understand a real message.

Any take on Jethro Tull?

What say you?
I wonder especially with some of the older songs if its a case of all the years we heard them on the radio, in the car or at work where we beleived what we heard were the words, only to be surprised when realize you were not even close. Probably a case of just listening to the music vs music playing while distracted by other activities at the same time.

Sometimes the music itself is what grabs you to a certain song not the vocals first. Might be a genre thing . I say that because the music that my parents listened to the vocals were the prominent force and were clear and understandable. Just my opinion but the song writing today just is not as good and widely diversified as it was.

Bill's suggestion for Long Cool Woman and the words is a good one. Was sitting at work today and asked the six others at the table to say the words to at least the first 2 verses. Then we went on line and looked at the actual lyrics. Hilarious how off the mark we all were.

Has2be, leave Elizabeth alone. Besides, everyone here knows that whatever she gets becomes extremely good or even the best.
Speaking fast in Michigan? Well, try coastal Maine. What an accent but sounds good to my ears.
Personally, I like to understand as little as I can when they sing. Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance mostly did vocalizing, by the way, no language in a usual sense.
Exactly, Inna. It is no language, but it works musically. Same with Chocteau Twins.
"Listen To Peter Gabriel's Games Without Frontiers - Kate Bush is heard singing "She's so popular" or is she actually saying something else?"

He, he. Shadorne, That's "Jeux Sans Frontieres", or "games without frontiers" in French. Interesting interpretation though...