Thanks R.E.M.

Just a note of thanks to a band that created music on their own terms and left the business that way as well. Thanks for sharing your art with the masses.
Great body of work over the past 30 years.

One of the best concerts I saw was the "Monster" tour in 1995.

Opening for REM was a little known band called Radiohead.
They have been a cornerstone of rock for many years now. I lose interest in much of their newer stuff, but they were at the top of the game at their peak back in the 80's and early 90's, and probably were one of the biggest factors that helped preserve rock music as a thoughtful medium in the form of "alternative rock" when they broke on the scene back in the early 1980's. That is a historic part of their legacy and perhaps their biggest accomplishment in my mind. The "Beatles" of alternative rock, perhaps?

"Automatic For The People" and "Out of Time" are the two I know that can still hold my interest from start to finish. Some decent material on these also for use in evaluating audio systems. These albums played a big part in my discovering that smaller monitors from Dynaudio and Totem are capable of producing some very involving sounds!

Also worth mentioning is REM is one group whose more recent recordings have really been hurt by their apparent "loudness wars" tendencies. Accelerate and Live at the Olympia in particular are two I have that push the loudness wars barrier into questionable territory. A shame since much of their older and most popular stuff was pretty well done!
Life's Rich Paegent, Murmur and Document, all great albums. I'm turning them on today when I get home from work.

I too remember REM as a favorite from my college days in the mid '80's along with:

The Producers
The Cult
Smashing Pumpkins (early)
Depeche Mode
Violent Femmes

Good times. It's 80's retro night tonight, putting on the parachute pants, and spiking up the hair.
It was February 1991....I wasn't really into new rock at the wife tells me she's been having an affair with her boss for the past 6 months....I get in my car and I am not in the mood for "mellow" old crap...I flip the station to the rock station...."Shiny Happy People" comes on.

True story.
Great band. Murmur is my favorite. Love the heavy Byrds influence especially in their earlier material. Twangy Rickenbacker/Vox sound at its finest.