latest unobtainium music

I stopped into the NPR music blog today and ran across this:

Flamenco Jazz

They have a link where you can listen to one Pedro Iturralde cut.

Impressive. I want it.

But it appears to be made of a cd format at least. :-(

Just between you & I..any leads? (one can hope)
Inna, I was always a Mahavishnu fan from their start! I've matured as has John. My more contemporary Mclaughlin recommendations to you are: As if you are not yet aware of ....
In order of earlier release first (?)
Belo Horizonte
The Mediterranean
Que Alegria
Thieves and Poets
Thank you, Isochronism.
Yes, I know all these albums. Que Alegria is excellent and the composition called Reincarnation is a true masterpiece, one of John's best.
There are some good cuts from Music Spoken Here album.
Now I'll go listen to "Visions Of The Emerald Beyond".

Yes that Flamenco World site is the one I referred to. Sort of a 'pig in a poke' shot if I ordered there. And I did see the one at Titan, but, as you say, the reviews/reliability are/is not so good.

Inna..yes they are quite different. I'm just workong off the one cut they had available for listening on NPR. Sounded special to me.
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