Sara K SACD vs. XRCD

Has anyone compared Sara K's Hell Or High Water on these two formats?
I would like to knows if and Audio Research LS 27

tube pre-amp will work with a Sim Audio moon LE

My speakers are Dynaudio contour 5.4 thanks in advance.
Tango- You posted your question in the wrong thread.

While I'm here, I'll add that the Sara K XRCD is one of the best sounding cd's in my collection. However, it doesn't get a lot of play time because I find the music a little boring.
I love Sara K, she is under appreciated and the German label she now records for, Stockfisch, is under appreciated too. I have'nt found a bad Stockfisch recording yet and some great artists on the label, along with Sara K, including David Munyon, Paul Stephenson, Mike Silver, Alan Taylor and Eugene Ruffulo. They are all worth exploring, in my opinion.

The best recording I have in any medium, is Waterfalls on basic CD. One of those discs you only have to hear the first 2 bars of the first track, to know you are in for a treat.
I agree on both counts. Sara K is really under appreciated and so is Stockfich Records. Their SACDs sound phenomenal!
The only issue with Stockfish SACDs is, once those SACDs go through your system, the rest of the CDs start sounding less dynamic (less presence). Hence, whenever I have to demo my system for my friends/colleagues, Stockfish SACDs are the last one to be demoed :-)

BTW, can you please provide some information on the Waterfalls CD, like the artist, label, etc?
Sorry Milpai, I should have said, Waterfalls is a Sara K CD on the Stockfisch label. I think it was her first on Stockfisch, when she moved from Chesky and her CDs there were pretty good too