12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus

Rather interesting info here. Says a lot about popular culture.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmuzikat
Even more disapointing is that ,for the most part,the people they were comparing them to sucked as well.
Funny. It puts into context all the audiophile complaints about people not paying attention to sound quality.

Re Barbra Streisand, objectively, I view her as a superior musician to acts like Pearl Jam (every song sounds the same) and Tom Petty, so I'm not sure what is so outrageous about her outselling those acts. I'm not sure why Katy Perry is inferior to Michael jackson, either.

And is Keisha even good-looking?
I wonder if today's sales numbers include MP3 sales where you do not even have to leave your home to purchase a song right after hearing it on the radio. It would give today's artists a huge advantage.
I think it says AT LEAST as much about the world population explosion as it does about popular culture. When most of the artists being compared to were at their most active (60's and 70's) the world pop was around 4B. Now it's more than twice that, and so is the music buying public. So before making such comparisons, the numbers need to be adjusted.