12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus

Rather interesting info here. Says a lot about popular culture.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmuzikat
Just sour grapes from a bunch of old codgers still living like they did 50 years ago except their tube gear and record players now cost 50X as much and still can't deliver on the hip hop.

If Mozart can be thrown in a pauper's grave, in his twenties, then there can be no greater outrage in music.
How true Rok2id, how true!
And fools moaning the loss of such as Morrison,Winehouse,et al which well they may in human terms-register zero on the artistic one compared to a true tragedy like Schubert dead at 31.
I agree with Schubert… with the exception of one Elvis CD (that actually belongs to my wife… so technically that doesn’t count), there’s not one CD in my collection from any of the artists identified in that link.