12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus

Rather interesting info here. Says a lot about popular culture.

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It clears the mind and washes the spirit in beauty,enobling the human spirit to embrace truth, compassion and love,in the religious meaning of that,in a
manner and to a degree nothing else can.
Great description of the power of art, but I'm not sure it's true, at least universally so. Germany is the central nation regarding classical music. Germany produced Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Wagner and Mahler, yet Germany also produced Nazism and the final solution. Classical music was championed by the government as an example of German greatness during the Nazi regime. Being awash in the beauty of the human spirit doesn't stop some people from starting genocidal war.
I have great appreciation for classical music but claims of its innate superiority do bring up in my mind some nasty historical facts associated that would seem to contradict any claims of associated purity of spirit.
The great Composers you listed were long dead by the time of the Nazi's. I don't see the connection? And I know this is a audio/music thread, But just a quick point:
EVERY country in europe (save Britain) contributed fighting units to fight with and for, the Nazi regime. Including troops from the Soviet Union. The germans had plenty of help. Many, Many Europeans saw the Germans as fighting for Christian Europe, against Communist Russia, and sent troops to fight on the eastern front..
Of course not,it is a powerful factor leading towards the light,one can always choose darkness or as was the case in Germany be channeled into it.
Not the place to go into it but Facism in Germany could have been prevented by others,including the United States.
We are all guilty,both of comission and omission.
BTW Haydn,Mozart,Schubert and Mahler were Austrian,not that it matters really.
Come on folks Classical music is outstanding but 4 guys in a studio with some cut and paste can create beauty equal to 40 players in a pit. Many dont even need fancy studio tweaks. Jazz, Blues, electronic aswell and there is no need to turn this into some musical penis measuring contest.