guitar solos where less is more

Looking for brilliant guitar solos, with the quality of the notes chosen and not the quantity...blues, rock and jazz
Dracule1, thank you, I listened to them all, and enjoyed them all. I ACTUALLY am open to all styles. . . . enjoyed the Ted Greene piece too.
Cut 10 "Ain't No Way" from the "Don't Explain" album by Beth Hart and Joe Bonamass.

Thanks for the links - really, really great. You included a couple of players I love (Roth and Emmanuel), a couple I hugely admire but don't love (Bream and Vai), and one that I've never heard of (Matt Rach). I thought that every choice you made was a great example of the player at the top of his respective form and - in particular - I thought that the Vai and Emmanuel clips may have been the best I've seen from either.

OTOH, it is vaguely depressing. If I live to be 100 and practice 24/7 between now and then, I'll never touch any of these guys.

Martykl and Bdgregory, glad you you liked them. Matt Rach is a French kid who started off as a guitar wonder on youtube playing rocked out version of pachelbel's canon when he was 14. He really has matured into a fine guitarist. He actually plays the bass and drums on his videos.