Violin/Cello Clasical Music


Looking for some good violin & cello recording in the classical genre in CD format. I do have a SACD player and some selections and sources would be greatly appreciated.

Totally agree with Kevvwill on Casals, have some on vinyl and no one else for me comes close.

Rostopovich on Dvorak's cello concerto is exceptional

Jacqueline De Pre for Elgar's cello concerto

Steven Isserliss is also a favorite, he has a CD called Cello World with a lot of small pieces as well as some friends on it that might interest you, check out Amazon for short previews
for best sound quality, stick with channel classics, pentatone, bis (for SACD) and harmonia mundi, ecm and onyx for redbook.
One of my all-time favorite recordings is Slava Rostropovich playing Britten's cello suites 1 & 2. He's good playing anything by Britten, who wrote all his cello compositions with Rostropovich in mind. He also did some great duets with Britten on piano doing Schubert and Schumann. As others have noted above, the sound quality isn't state of the art, but it isn't bad either and you won't care.
Yo Yo Ma "Solo" is excellent. Single-layer SACD, but one of the few (in my experience) that actually show the benefits of high-rez. In-the-room presence.