Can't find Sarai Givaty music on CD

Help! I have looked everywhere for any releases of Sarai
Givaty's Music on CD- No Joy! She has songs, and Music Video's on the Internet including Youtube Music- such as:
Into Your Heart, Grenade (Bruno Mars), Bring it Down. What
gives? Is this strictly MP3 Download exclusive access Music
only? Why no CD? Is this how all New Music is going to end up- strictly Download only?
I have recently also ran into a couple of artists that I was looking for their CDs and found MP3 downloads only. I am assuming it's a much cheaper way for the artist(s) to get heard. I didn't buy the MP3s, hopefully they will have CDs out at some point?
From what I found, she's primarily an actress, not a singer, and she's released no albums. She does have a cut on a compilation album "Mo-Shic* – Salamat" by YoYo records. Everything seems to be cut from something other than a traditional album or CD.

Good luck finding other material, but have to say her voice and music didn't do much for me.
Why is she putting alot of Music Videos on the Internet,
including some on Youtube Music in HD no less, if she
doesn't have a Music Career? I have even seen tickets
being sold on the Internet- for her in concert. I have
seen rumors about a potential CD coming out- just rumors.
Actress or not, somebody is going to alot of trouble to
make her Music accessable on the Internet- yet no CD! I
have heard rumors of the production of CD's ceasing by the
end of 2012. Everyone says this rumor is nonsense- Now this
along with other New Music Artists! What am I supposed to
believe here? Someday all New Music will only be available
as Music Downloads. Is that day today? Why don't the Artists just announce that their Music will be strictly
Download only? Enough guessing!