What is Jazz?

As a self proclaimed expert and "aficionado", I should know the answer to that question; but I don't, because the answer is too complex.

As one example; Inna posted that he didn't like jazz, and in his next post he raved about a piece of music that I considered to be jazz. In Inna's case I understood the contradiction, he doesn't like "hard bop".

On the other hand, Rok2id's definition of jazz is so narrow that many of my jazz records and CD's, would be considered to be something other than "jazz".

What is "jazz" to you and can you define it?
Certainly not the definitive answer, but to me: Jazz is the confluence of Afro-European music that celebrates individual interpretation within the context of the moment.
Love those Louis Armstrong quotes but labelling someone the greatest jazz musician is like declaring a particular woman(your choice) the most beautiful 'ever'.Duke,Monk,Bird,Miles etc. So many great ones, I love them all.
Frogman, I really enjoyed your supplied Louis's quotes, and fully agree!
Jazz is learning all the music rules and structure, very, very well.. and then being able to take it to a level of interpretation as "I feel this right now!"
That is MY definition of true art.
-I should know the answer to that question; but I don't, because the answer is too complex.-

This statement shows that you DO know the answer!;)

Orph (may I call you orph!?;), I've always felt Jazz to be such a vast genre. If you factor in group sizes, styles, acoustic, electric, etc., and THEN factor in nationalities, and THEN factor the traditional musics of these nationalities that often get incorporated into the mix. The combinations/possibilities are practically endless. Jazz, originally an American artform, has truly evolved into a 'World' music (A world music, NOT 'World' music, which to me, is something else altogether). Just this morning, I got hipped to this band; 'Banda Pequi' from Brazil. Amazing music from a Brazilian Big Band (Chk 'em out on Youtube, I've had ZERO luck finding a CD, probably have to download, sux!). I feel Jazz is a music that 'accomodates' the listener due to it's range of accessibility. From very easy to very complex. For me, Jazz is ever-evolving, the ultimate Soul music!!

Unfortunately, the reality is Jazz is percieved as an 'old' music that's best days happened decades ago. Not only here, I've even found this mindset on jazzsites! I've always felt this is an 'age' thing. Buncha ol' geezers (schweinhunds(!), clinging to what they know!;) What can I say, at 58, I've grown old, but not up!

I wouldn't be surprised (I kinda expect) to see this thread devolve into another snoozefest praising the grandfathers of Jazz.