Rate my rig

Rate my rig here
02-11-13: Slikric3000
A few people on here have the intellect of a small child

Reading through this thread, it seems like your estimate of a 'few' is a vast understatement, with you leading the parade.
This thread simply serves the purpose of proving why forum boards NEED moderators.
"I have since sold the cam for $20 to finance a better cam, a Canon with mic jack, also picked up a krell dac, when my Classe gets out of the shop and I do some mic rolling I am going to post a rate my rig mk2."

Where is Mk2 so we can rate?

I am glad someone finally had the balls to say that!

In all seriousness, I had a really good belly laugh over that line. I don't approve of the language or spirit of that jab, but in all honesty, we all insult each other on these forums constantly. The language is usually more protracted and passive aggressive and cloaked in technobabble. I am guilty as anyone. The visceral and incisive statement above took many by surprise, but it was also cathartic. Distill the nitpicking and quibbling, and this is what you will often find.

I agree with Tpreaves. I think Slic is actually pretty funny. His original statement which incurred the backlash and trolling was derived from the following thread (http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1359660930&openflup&2&4#2):

[qoute]You are the weakest link, get a better job and buy some real audio.[/quote]

A little harsh but funny in the context of the thread.

A great and relatively unknown music critic and blogger, Dr. David Thorpe, wrote some blisteringly funny pieces under the title "Your band sucks...." It is hilarious, particularly the comments he generated from impassioned listeners of said bands: http://www.somethingawful.com/d/your-band-sucks/
