Dylan's Voice/ Better Now?

I have been listening to Modern Times for the past couple of months in my car. I am sort of responding to another person comment in another thread, that to him Dylan sounds like a dead frog. He said he could not listen to any Dylan recordings after a certain year, in the late 60's or 70's.
I think Dylan's voice is like a fine wine, it just keeps getting better as it ages. I love his voice on his last few albums. I like the grumble, croakiness, of his "frog" voice.
To me, there is way more interest, depth, and soul to his voice in his latter recordings.
Where do you stand regarding Bob Dylan's voice. Is it shot? Tolerable? or fantastic?
I love Dylan but the simple fact is his voice has faded as the years have passed.

It is unique, it does carry character but it's like suggesting he looks as good as he did in the 60's.

It's the nature of things, they've changed.
Agree with Ben. The range of emotion he was able to express when younger appears to be more limited as his older voice is more monotonic. Things happen. He's still the man.
Thanks for all of your input and opinions. This made for an interesting read for me.