Extremely well recorded jazz double bass? cymbals?

I'm trying to decide on some speakers and have concerns about their ability to resolve on stand up bass.

Can you recommend a CD with acoustic, stand up bass on which you can hear the "wood," the "whiz" of the strings vibrating in the air...or just, something with fine detail?

Several of my CDs have great, prominent bass (Ray Brown, Patricia Barber, Diana Krall) but it's not that well recorded.

Would also appreciate something well recorded at the other end: extremely detailed cymbal and drums.

You can have both on the same disc. Lenny white on drums, very busy on cymbals, and Stanley Clarke on acoustic bass - well recorded. Get "Jazz in the Garden".

Another well recorded disc to get with nice acoustic bass and fine drumming is Tethered Moon. My favourite disc is "First meeting".
Renaud Garcia-Fons "Linea Del Sur". Extremely well-recorded and most importantly, terrific music

Esperanza Spalding "Chamber Music Society" is another good one