Best Rock Album in 2012

Ok folks, let's get another one started. Best yearly thread for us rock fans.

Not really rock, but like Gotye "Making Mirrors" so far.


Blunderbuss gets another vote. The Accept follow up to Blood of the Nations is getting praise aswell, I dont have it yet. Gotye is a great pop album.
Norah Jones as rock? Llol.

"Little Broken Hearts," is not "Come Away with Me," or "Feels Like Home." It's something of a departure for NJ, and puts me in a mind of Debra Harry and Hope Sandoval. Not a huge stretch to think of it as "rock" (whatever that is). Ditto for her earlier "The Fall."

I'm a NJ fan, and I commend her for trying new things, but I don't think "Little Broken Hearts" will make it into "heavy rotation" for me. Too much like rock! ;)

it seems widespread panic live wood is only in vinyl.can`t find it on amazon
If you ever really liked Springsteen but had more or less given up on his ever returning to form, you'll be more than pleasantly surprised by "Wrecking Ball." After so many missteps that it was fair to think that the Boss had fallen not only from grace, but also right off the stage, he is back in a big way with an album that I've been playing -- and enjoying -- over and over again.
Bring on your wrecking ball!
That Norah Jones album was produced by Danger Mouse and sounds more like a Danger Mouse album than Norah Jones. If you liked Rome or the Broken Bell's stuff, you'll prolly like NJ's new release. I'm actually not a big Norah Jones fan but do like this record.