the natural sound of a cymbal

i am looking for recoordings which fearure cymbals.

besides maplesahde, can anyone suggest labels or artists which produce a very natural sound of a cymbal ?

i find the sound of a cymbal a good test of the upper midrange and treble frequencies of a stereo sytem and having a recording to use to evaluate the aforrementioned frequencies is an invaluable tool when listening after changing components.

thanks for your suggestions
While it is just a "normal" non-audiophile CD, I find that Dave Grusin's "Homage to Duke" is a superb recording and has some of the most natural sounding cymbals of any redbook digital recording I've heard.
Try Jack de Johnette & Foday Musa Suso, Music from the hearts of the masters. Fantastic cymbal work and you can clearly hear different cymbals and variations in percussive style.
Give Joe Dokes / The Soulful Drums of Joe Dokes a listen. It is available on both Vinyl and Cd. I have only heard it on vinyl though,can't speak for the sound on CD.
You know they say the same thing about vibes,if you can get the sound and the decay of the vibrato right your whole system falls in line.