Music to Impress my Kid's Friends?

Lately, my college aged children have been bringing friends over to here my system and I would love to buy a few great sounding cds that are currently popular. I obviously have lots of quality music to play but it might have more impact on the kids if they were more familiar with the music. I bought the Adele cd thinking that might do the trick but was I wrong. I'd even invest in some current vinyl if I knew they would were outstanding from a recording standpoint. Thanks
One of the twenty something's I work with who is in the music biz is raving about Gaslight Anthem's latest album, which just got released. Haven't heard it, so I can't comment.
Last month's flavor was Alabama Shakes- I wasn't terribly impressed.
Albert Porter here turned me onto Black Dub, which is a killer sounding record, unfortunately both vinyl copies I bought were warped. It's a little like Black Keys, in the sense that it is primitive, but the producer -who is in the band -is world class, and the music is more interesting. Good female vocals too.
Turn them onto something that will blow them away from the past- Jaws drop when I fire up 'In the Wee Wee Hours' from Junior Wells (with Buddy Guy)'s Hoodoo Man Blues on the 45 rpm reissue.
Twenty-somethings dig Neil Young- Greatest Hits on Classic sounds fab; so does Massey Hall.
The other album that blew a couple of youngsters away during a listening session a few months ago was an old copy of Spirit's Dr. Sardonicus, it is not an audiophile quality record, but the mix of acid rock, fusion, and good old rock and roll is hard to resist at any age.
I'm sure others will have favorites too, but stay away from Montovani, Lawrence Welk and Steve and Edie.
The new Gaslight Anthem album "Handwritten" is indeed excellent.

Grace Potter & the Nocturnals-"Grace Potter & the Nocturnals" is a very good and popular album with the college crowd. Try "Paris" and "Medicine" with the volume turned up a little.

One of the albums I pull out for the kids is Kid Rock's "Rock and Roll Jesus". Be careful, there are a couple of "nasty", (read this as old school Kid Rock rap) songs, but play "Amen", "All Summer Long", "Rock & Roll Jesus" and "Blue Jeans and a Rosary". Guaranteed to put a smile on their faces.
Wouldn't your own kids be the best source of what they and their close friends are listening to?

Kids today are no different than we were - different groups, whether high school kids, college age or older, like different artists. I know what I thought of Grand Funk Railroad in 1970 but knew some others who loved them.

So, if you're trying to impress a group of students, go to the source. This forum isn't it. ;-)