Jack White Promoting Vinyl

I found this great web site concerttour.org. It lists all the upcoming shows around the U.S. and Canada. I was reading that Jack White was expanding his tour to the Northeast U.S., Montreal and Toronto. The article added a little extra information about White that I found interesting.(below)

In other Jack White news, he recently appeared at the Grammy Musuem in Los Angeles for a chat with the museum’s executive director, Robert Santelli. It was no surprise that White advocated the use of vinyl records during the talk, since he has recently set about providing new advancements in the medium with his label, Third Man Records.

“(Using a turntable) is a good thing for parents to show their kids,” White said, according to the Hollywood Reporter. “It involves you immediately in the music. Your involvement in the media, romantically, can’t be touched. If you said play a track and pushed a button on an iPod, there’s absolutely nothing romantic about that. Pull out a record and are you not immediately more engaged? I relish the idea of showing a kid how to put a needle on a record.”

White also revealed that there is a hidden track under the label of vinyl copies of his band the Dead Weather’s Sea of Cowards album, but that he had trouble removing the label to play it.
Nice Interview on Sound Opinions with Jack White here:


He discusses vinyl and his label, as well as The White Stripes and much more. Good stuff.
I do have many of his records on LP, and do get "immediately involved" with the LPs (particularly White Stripes), although the quality of sound does not impress me. I don't think CDs could sound better or worse with such mediocre recording quality. What REALLY surprised me was how terrible the sound quality was at his Los Angeles live performances last week at the Shrine. If Jack White is so excited about our "involvment", why does he allow his live performances to be unintelligable?
Looking at the Sea of Cowards LP, there does appear to be a small ring of what may be grooves underneath both labels. It would require a butcher job to uncover it. Buried treasure or bone-head, Jack?

IMO SQ is excellent on most of his LPs.