Best Metal Vinyl Album

When we think of audiophiles, we do not think of metal. On the other hand, with the resurgance of vinyl, metal seems to be a hot seller. So, give me your top 3 metal vinyl lp. When in doubt what is metal, ask Eddie Trunk.
If a vinyl record is mastered from the original analog tapes it should sound much better than an over-compressed CD copy. My copy of "Death Magnetic" sounds much better on vinyl than the ear-bleeding CD of that album.
I suspect, however, that many records recorded today are recorded and processed digitally, even if they are then released on vinyl in addition to CD. Why and if they still sound better on vinyl is an interesting question. I have seen a thread on here discussing this a while ago. The consensus seemed to be that there are vinyl records processed digitally that sound spectacular, but I believe we're still talking recordings originally captured on an analog tape.
Thank you for taking the time to explain. Yes, I agree until the production companies return to analog recording or convert to DSD than new vinyl may suffer. Truly, I believe there is a market for it. I see these young metal heads going out buying vinyl. I know I would purchase new vinyl if production improves. I understand musicians are making less from music sales from CDs due to the digital sharing on the internet. They make much of their money from touring these days which is good for this metal head that loves going to good shows. I truly believe we audiophiles need to continue to stress the desire for good sound which need to result from the foundational recording.
I truly believe we audiophiles need to continue to stress the desire for good sound which need to result from the foundational recording.

That's a very valid point. Hopefully the industry, or at least a part of it will take note and act accordingly. I personally would not give up the fight for better pressing quality and better sound. However, with heavy metal, sometimes the master recording just isn't that good, and we're hearing the flaws in that recording. Regardless if the records have been cut from analog or digital.
Best Metal Vinyl Album-"Dopesmoker" by Sleep.

PS. If you decide to get it on CD buy the Southern Lord release.
