Latin Female Singers - Any suggestions?

I have always wanted to expand my listening repertoire beyond the traditional jazz ballads/balladeers. It seems as I discover new singers in the idiom I keep hearing many of the same traditional ballads being redone in much the same way. This is great to a point but a little spice of the Latin variety sure wouldn’t hurt. In that regards, I've done a little research and discovered Yasmin Levy (Landino, flamenco). Her album, Sentir blows me away. The recording quality is quite good too. I also like Brazilian Ceu (samba, reggae, jazz) on her self-titled album. Ojos de Bruja are also doing interesting stuff. None of these can be called jazz in the traditional sense but good nonetheless.

Concha Buika's collaboration with Chucho Valdes is another great find. Fantastic synergy between Concha and Chucho here, with very good sound quality as well. Others I have manage to sought out so far are Mexican singers Lhasa, Lila Downs,Chavela Vargas and Argentinian Mercedes Souza.

I'd be interested to hear of any others, along these lines, that you might be aware of.
Great clip Tubegroover; thanks for sharing. Her stylistic range was also surprising. She could cut loose and rock! This is one of my favorites of hers:
If you enjoy Brazilian female vocals you should check out Joyce (Joy-seh). I own 'Joyce & Banda Maluca - Just A Little Bit Crazy' and 'Joyce with Dori Caymmi - Rio Bahia'. Very authentic and very, very cool!

Another favorite would be Cesaria Evora, a wonderful singer! 'Sao Vicente' and 'Voz D'Amor' are 2 very fine records to start with!
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Glad I stumbled upon this thread. I will seek out others' suggestions.

In order to contribute... while this isn't a female singer or Latin, ..check out Rodrigo y Gabriela "S/T". While instrumental, it has some Latin flavor and overall, is in the same context musically.
