Mozart Fans Only

If you love Mozart as I (and Einstein)do, here's a great CD I just picked up. Boston Symphony Chamber Players - Chamber Music for Winds and Strings. A great selection of small-scale works. I highly recommend it for people just testing the waters of classical music. Very good playing and easy to listen to. Hybrid SACD, for those who have hi-rez players, but it will play on all CD players. Enjoy.
More about music - less about gear.]Mozart SACD
I certainly do not mean to belittle Beethoven, you'd have to be an even bigger fool than me to do that!
A way of putting is, on a scale of 1-10;
Bach is a 27 ,
Schubert and Mozart a 9.5
Beethoven a 9 .

Bach died at 65
Beethoven at 56
Mozart at 35
Schubert at 31, and only Beethoven was perhaps as sick as he during his last years.
IMHO , if Franz had lived as long as even Mozart ,well you get it.
50 years ago European critical opinion had Schubert as a relatively minor composer, in the last 2 decades it has shifted greatly, largely to where I stand .
Most of the criticism you hear about his chamber music strikes me as like saying I wouldn't have gone out with the young Elizabeth Taylor because she was too pretty.
Kmcarthy, Schuberts op 99 and 100 trios are true wonderworks of music, no other works I'm aware of ride the very peaks of human emotion for that long while maintaining
such complete harmonic and melodic integrity.

I once heard Arthur Rubenstein say Schubert's op 161 Pn Quintet was the most lovely piece ever written and he wanted it played at his funeral.

One of my great moments was when I visited the Vienna Central Cemetery and discovered Schubert was buried right next to Brahms. Almost wanted to die right on the spot to see if I could hear their conversation. (no joke)
I love the quintet, D. 956 (but among those who've heard it, who doesn't?)

It's what I imagine the first moments in heaven would be like.
Absolutely otherworldy.
Renee Fleming... just did the national anthem at the SB the way it should be done, maybe for the first time ever there. Maybe there is hope....