Most expensive piece of vinyl you acquired is?

I will start with Pink Floyd Live at Pompeii 1972 Unofficial Greek pressing in Mint condition for interested how far do you folks are prepared to go for something you love on vinyl...
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I am right there with Elizabeth. I have purchased a few reissue box sets: The Doors and Genesis, but the individual LP cost was never above 30 bucks. "There is no LP I would say I would 'have to have' at any cost."

I've just gotten back into vinyl in a big way, and I don't want to spend a lot of time looking for used records; can somebody give me a "heads up" on the various qualities of new vinyl?
I haven't bought vinyl for a very long time. But I don't value the most expensive ones the most. I have a bunch of pseudo direct to "disk" I bought in the eighties for around $30 bucks each but the one I prize the most is a true direct to disc Mingus jazz 45 I found in a bargain bin for $3 bucks. They are truly right there playing for you.