Why does most new music suck?

Ok I will have some exclusions to my statement. I'm not talking about classical or jazz. My comment is mostly pointed to rock and pop releases. Don't even get me started on rap.... I don't consider it music. I will admit that I'm an old foggy but come on, where are some talented new groups? I grew up with the Beatles, Who, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix etc. I sample a lot of new music and the recordings are terrible. The engineers should be fired for producing over compressed shrill garbage. The talent seems to be lost or doesn't exist. I have turned to some folk/country or blues music. It really is a sad state of affairs....Oh my god, I'm turning into my parents.
"There are a few folks on here who seem jaded and disingenuous toward excepting great new music . As a music lover, that bums me out."

It bums me out too when a music lover cannot find good new music to enjoy. I have been in that trap myself in the past. Lots of causes and not uncommon. AN easy trap to fall into.
I discovered this song by accident. I was making a complilation disc for the threadmill and copied it from a CD. I had never heard it before it came thru my headphones. This was 'NEW' music to me until a few months ago.

This song grabbed me. The first few bars, and I knew I had to listen to the end.

Some music you can get up and leave in the middle of the song, and some you can't.

I submit this as an example of music that I have recently discovered and now love. The pictures compliment the music. Enhances it. Not a distraction, but the song can and does, stand on it's own.

Check it out and make comments.


Sorry, that one didn't get me.

Here's one of my favorite more recent discoveries:

Muse Uprising

Just about as good as it gets start to finish.
The second video, of those most recently viewed, with violent images. Violence and music seem an odd pairing.

Pop music is, or should be aimed at the young. They should have their mind on lust errr ..... I mean Love. I guess O-10 nailed it. Reflection of the times.
