Bands where U say

I've yet to see a thread like this so here goes: what bands come to mind where you think what might have been? Perhaps they disbanded too soon, or a member or members died, leaving unrealized potential. I often wonder what would have come of the pretenders had honeyman-scott and farndon not bought the farm. I could list others, but would rather hear from you.
Because it's fresh in my mind, having just seen Yes in Phoenix, I always wonder how much better they would have been if they had chosen a proper drummer after Bill Bruford left the band in '72. They were really great when I saw them recently, but it only reinforced my long held frustration with Alan White. He is so wrong for that band. Their music needs someone along the lines of Carl Palmer or Neil Peart. Howe and Squire are playing their asses off, and he is there barely keeping time. He ws boring before, now he's just older and boring.
I also agree with everything Lindisfarne said.
Gregg Alexander decided he didn't want to perform on stage anymore, so The New Radicals went one and done. The one they did might be my favorite record of the 1990s.

Wish Rory Gallagher would have been around a lot more years. Been watching "Irish Tour '74". Find myself wondering what happened to his band after his death. They were really tight and hard working. His keyboard player was crazy good in my opinion (ex-Killin Floor).

SRV is another sad example of too soon gone. Although Double Trouble seems like they landed on their feet, sort of, I think. Heard something from them on Pandora. Sounds like they got another lead guitar/front man. Weren't no Stevie Ray though.

And while we are at it, can't forget Roy Buchanan.
Morphine is a band I absolutely loved. As a natter of fact, everyone I played the album 'A Cure for Pain' loved it. The lead man died. That album is precious to me.
The Doors, and what they may have gone on to accomplish had it not been for the death of Jim Morrison. Nirvana also comes to mind, with the passing of Kurt Cobain.