With all your knowlege you have gained over time,

My grandfather tells me if he had it to do all over again he would have saved more money and invested in real estate and low risk investments. I have followed that advice and have been saving and investing since I was 22.

With all your knowlege you have gained over time, what would you do if...

...you had to sell off all your gear because you needed the money, how would you start over.

...were 25 and starting to catch the audio bug an had the knowlege you have gained along the way.

What would your strategy be and how would you plan ahead. Many threads like these have been written before, but none I have seen have inncluded the thoughts behind the choices of gear or strategy.

Thanks for reading
I follow the Vanguard website and read most of their informative posts.

One that stuck out was written by a Vanguard executive whose single mother cleaned houses for a living and put her children through college. Her process? 1.Buy used. 2.Save money and pay cash.

--Quality and refinement are more important than power.
--Matching the pieces to one another and to the listening room is important.
--Simpler is better than complex.
--Select a system to listen to the music,not the system.

Sooooo,I'd figure what I want for the room in question,set a budget,and pay cash for quality used pieces that would last a decade,figuring after 10 years that improvements would justify a new system.
Start out by having somebody "Ice-pick me in the ears" ----buy Bose eqp. and be many bucks ahead. But jeez;look at how much fun I would have missed out on; from buying the wrong stuff.
Jaybo is on to something...

I remember it was 1974... My and a few buddies were in my '68 Charger, someplace on an Interstate in South Carolina, going to Darlington for the Southern 500.

The cheesie, underdash cassette player had about 5 watts total to it's credit. It was 3 a.m. and "Man We Was Lonely" from "McCartney" was blaring on the 6"x9" Utah speakers in the rear deck. We were all singing at the top of our lungs! So what if there was 50% distortion!!
It was great!! We had a good time.

Isn't that what it's all about?

I'd buy more records and CDs (and keep 'em all this time) and start simple, but buy the best performance I could with my upgrades. Maybe go from a NAD 2600 to a Krell FPB. Point is I spemt a lot of time and money assuming I would be satisfied as I went from a Sansewer (oops!) to a Carver cube to a Hafler DH220 to an Audionics CC3 to Precision Fidelity M8 to a c-j MV75a1, etc. Each time I wanted a better amp! I was much less neurotic about speakers...only have owned four. Funny enough...only one turntable in 27 years! But it was a good one at first! Buy better stuff sooner! Try to reduce overall costs of upgading. Actually I have spent far more on records and CDs than hardware...as it should be! I like 2 hear the music not look at equipment.
Excellent comments from everyone. I'd find some "audiophile" friend or friends whom have a vast inventory of equipment sitting around and have them put a system together for you. I'm sure something nice would emerge. Then buy music/go to concerts/enjoy the friends and family around you and forget the equipment and enjoy the moment. Honestly, I have no regrets. Life moves on.