Best movies last two years

I haven't watched many dramas lately. Best was "Love Song for Bobby ...".

What have you enjoyed ?
I say Oldboy, thanks to all the above speak of it, it was definitely worth watching!!! A little unbeleivable, and a generally sick plot with loads of good violence... I highly enjoyed it and can see why Quentin wouldn't produce it! It would likely have been banned in the states.
The best films I've see in the last two years were both on video and they date back to 1944 and 1947.

"The Curse of the Cat People" (1944). Don't be fooled by the cheesy title. This is one of the masterpieces from the originator of the psychological horror film, Val Lewton. Co-directed by Robert Wise (his first directorial effort), this is a sensitive story of a lonely child and her imaginary friend in the world of uncomprehending adults.

"Black Narcissus" (1947). By the great British director, Michael Powell, this early Technicolor drama is still considered by many to be the ultimate in color photography.

A melodrama about a group of Anglican nuns sent to a remote mountain area in India where the mysterious locale and native population prove too exotic; resulting in an unraveling of mission and morality. Great performances by all: especially Deborah Kerr as the Mother Superiore fighting back passion and memory and Kathleen Byron as the insane Sister Ruth who succumbs to it.

Also, seen as a metaphor for the British experience in India where customs and expectations collided with a wholly different culture. Perhaps, the American experience in Iraq will prove similiar?

Anyway, these are both a must-see. Newly remastered "Curse..." is available as a single disc or in the terrific Val Lewton box set. "Black Narcissus" is a Criterion disc which guarantees the highest quality.
"Syriana" was very good. Better than "Traffic" in my opinion. Personally, I can't wait to see "The New World" and "Miami Vice," as Terrence Malick and Michael Mann are two of my favorite directors.
"Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance" was outstanding. Just when I thought it was a simple film, it went deep!

I really liked "Swimming Pool" as well.
Boa2, just saw Sympathy for Lady Vengeance yesterday, the third and last of the trilogy. Very good again. The twist that occurs 3/4 into the movie is brilliant and explores the emotion and idea of real vengeance in all of us most effectively.