Best movies last two years

I haven't watched many dramas lately. Best was "Love Song for Bobby ...".

What have you enjoyed ?
audiophile 1
a great film! I had forgotten the title. I cant imagine how I could as impressed as I was. Roman Polanski is amazing!

Broken Flowers is totally worthwhile; it's maybe the only film that I think captures the way most men actually look at women without being judgemental, Old Boy (Korean - absolutely brilliant and unbelievably bizarre), Sideways.
Timf, I hunted for a dvd of this film for years. Just bought it few months ago on e-bay. Pure Formality just had to be added to my DVD collection.
I'm going to add Serenity to that list in case you haven't rented the Firefly DVD's yet. The best thing since Babylon 5, or Doctor Who - and an engaging cast as well. And the DP Jack Green shot it - go on: rent it. Do it. Do it NOW.