Lived up to or beyond the hype for 2005.

Your most satisfying hardware (including accessories) purchase(s) during the past year.
My list contains the following gear that I was lucky enough to end up purchasing, after home auditions, that signficantly raised the quality of the sonics of my system: 1) Pass LabsX-350.5 2) Acoustic Arts DAC1-MK3 3) Stealth Varidig Sextet digital cable 4) Acoustic Zen Absolute IC's and speaker wire. Yes, it was a very good year in my home for upgrading towards sonic pleasures.
It's been a good year...

1. Rives Level 1 design

2. Realtraps Mondotraps--less bass was definitely more

3. Bow ZZ-8
Eastern Electric Minimax pre-power, plus a pair of the Anti-Cables (frighteningly good for the money).