Toughest hombre west of the Pecos?

John Wayne or Clint Eastwood?
Also your preference:
Solid State or Tubes?
Wondering if there is a correlation.
Definitely Eastwood... By contrast he makes John Wayne look like a mama's boy. Eastwood's just plain has more "grit".

As to my preference in electronics, I go both ways. I like tubes and solid state; and often times mixing the two in the same system is extremely gratifying.
I agree with Onhwy61 - Lee Marvin is the man. If he is in the mood for tubes, he heats up jeep windshields with a flamethrower, rolls them into bulbs, then sucks all the air out of them, and sticks his dogtags inside for getters. If he wants some solid state power, he chews up some KT88s in his mouth and spits them out at high temperature and pressure to make silicon for transistors. I do the same thing with money and things around my house that I don't suspect will be missed, and turn them into audio equipment of both varieties. Like Lee Marvin, I use whatever I am in the mood for at the time, and enjoy both.
William Holden (sure cleaned out that varmint's nest GOOD at the end of the "Wild Bunch").

The Duke is the King, however.
Big John said his epitaph should read:

"He was big, He was ugly -He had dignity".

Gotta go with big iron. Tubes would last about a minute on the noon stage, partner...
Well, I guess I will throw in my 2 bits!

I reckon ol' Clint would freeze the Duke with one of his patented stares, and then blow the top of the Dukes head off with a Colt .45 he drew from under the dirtiest poncho (a real poncho, not a Sear's poncho, mind you!), that you ever saw!

As far as tubes vs. solid state, I would say both. (My Lamm M2.1 hybrid monoblocks use the best aspects of both technologies).

As far as Lee Marvin goes, he would be off drunk in some bar, and would miss the gunfight entirely. :-)