Toughest hombre west of the Pecos?

John Wayne or Clint Eastwood?
Also your preference:
Solid State or Tubes?
Wondering if there is a correlation.
Chuck Norris- he never sleeps, he waits.
And he doesn't need either tubes or transitors, he stares
at something long enough, it sings.
John Wayne, for sure. Both are awesome, and they were good at beating up the bad guys, but John Wayne always won with the women , too. Clint always seemed a bit lost with the ladies. Plus he had really bad taste in women.
Oh Yeah and tubes,too!

And I wanted to say that all those guys in the old westerns were awesome! All the ones already mentioned like Lee Marvin and Robert Mitchum were just great. Don't forget Gregory Peck and Henry Fonda ( now that dude was mean!). what's really amazing about those old films were that even the small part actors were great. They all just seemed like real guys.

Too Bad they can't make westerns like that anymore.