What is your favorite reference music?

I just got started in this downward spiral of a hobby, and I have found myself going back to the same 3 or 4 artists and songs to test new pieces of equipment. Here are some of my favorites:

1.) Rodrigo y Gabriel - Diablo Rojo
2.) Air - Universal Traveler
3.) OutKast - Morris Brown
4.) Turin Brakes - Average Man

What is your favorite reference music?

I got a copy of the Rachmaninov Concerto. Trying to learn more about Classical, but having a hard time finding a style/genre that really engages me all the time. The entire performance is really beautiful and engaging.

Anyway, to the point. It just destroys the soudstage on my system. The piano is all over the place. The registers are often backwards (high left, low right). The orchestra is pretty well placed and stable. It sounds very good in farfield, but of course no placement.

It was really an eye opener. I listened to the Concerto through headphones for a reference and the piano's soundstage was correct and stable 95% of the time. I really felt like I was sitting in front of the piano keyboard, not out in the audience.

Wanted to say thanks for a great Classical reco, and to confirm it really is good test of playback. It showed a great weakness in my sytem as configured, that really hadn't been a problem before.

Jim S.
Post removed 
Marty, drop me a line! I doubt it will see much play.... outside of humor!