Most expensive Audio disapoinment?

Over the past decade, many different types of technology have come and gone.Some of the components made though quite expensive,they never lived up to consumer satisfaction.I guess I am wondering how many people jump to buy the first of all new technology only to later realize the price always drops after while.Example Pioneer AX10 $5or $7k new, now they are out dated,Door stops.
The high end cassette deck... look how many Nak Dragons are out there for sale... and they're all MINT because people bought them and never use them.. use them much, anyway.
I've got two Nak high end decks and really don't utilize them enought relative to the money I've invested in them.
The Lirpa Steam-powered TT was the biggest, most expensive piece of audio gear I almost had. You see, I made a deal for one of these & actually had it delivered in two 45' trailers while I had a 40' x 28' outbuilding constructed at the back of my property to house all the equipment. Right after the framework was up on the foundation, a hurricane came through & the trailers were both overturned & smashed by a double trunk 60' gum ball tree. Yep, each trunk nailed ea. trailer. I had to hire a 50 ton crane to pick everything up & have them hauled away on an oversize flatbed. By the time I was done paying all the bills I wound up living in a van down by the river.

I'm now very, very happy with my Tivoli radio.
thanks for the comment gumbei! i like yours too. have you tried a Stealth Varidig digital IC? I am in the midst of comparing it to the AZ MC2 -- which i see that you use (or have used).